Hello fellow security professionals and those aspiring to be! Saurus here and excited to write to you on a new blog post. Being a consultant keeps me fairly busy. In addition to managing my workload I recently obtained my COMPTIA Security+ certification. While the experience of taking the exam is still fresh in mind, I wanted to draft up a blog post about some of the ... READ MORE
Spam Filter Evasion With King Phisher
It's no secret that phishing is the top attack vector when it comes to external compromise. So when it comes to penetration testing this is a vector that we can not ignore. However, as consultants, we are interacting with different clients and environments almost every week. Much like endpoint protection, there are a multitude of different spam filters and protection controls ... READ MORE
Fire and Forget: Meterpreter Automation
Throughout the past year I have been conducting routine phishing assessments for a client. For their final test of the year, our point of contact wanted something consequential for those who fell for this phish... Something 'kinetic' if you will. They requested a 'Blue Screen of Death' approach, to which I ultimately opted for a less potentially destructive method. I would send ... READ MORE
CSRF on Anonymous Forms
Using CSRF on Anonymous Forms This article will focus on linking CSRF vulnerabilities with phishing attacks to extend the lifetime of your captured credentials. Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities on anonymous forms are often ignored or overlooked, but when combined with a credential-harvesting phishing campaign it extends the life of your captured credentials. ... READ MORE
Quick Reference: Empire Persistence Modules
During a penetration test you may find yourself in a situation where your foothold in the network is tenuous and you need to establish persistence. Such as when your only foothold is on a workstation, the end of day is quickly approaching, and the user may shutdown their system. In these cases you'll likely have to save something to the hard disk, but what type of persistence ... READ MORE
Pentesting Restrictive Environments – Part 2
Putting it all together Note: This blog is part 1/2 of Pentesting Restrictive Environments. I highly recommend reading part 1 if you have not! All of the equipment (and context) mentioned below is outlined in the first blog. After getting all of my Amazon packages, I flashed Kali Linux onto the MicroSD card and plugged it into the ODROID-C2. After getting the OS ... READ MORE
Pentesting Restrictive Environments – Part 1
The Scenario On a recent engagement, the client was focused on testing the controls that were in place within the environment. The client wanted a penetration test conducted as a malicious employee using a heavily restricted, domain joined Windows host. The other caveat is that the client would be actively looking for me and works under a 3 strike system. I want to be clear ... READ MORE
Updating Anti-CSRF Tokens in Burp Suite
Updating Anti-CSRF Tokens in Burp Suite Burp Suite developed by Portswigger, is the leading software for web application penetration testing. This application is a wonderful tool for fuzzing and automatically scanning HTTP requests to identify application-level vulnerabilities. Performing a web application penetration test against a target application that has developed a ... READ MORE
Insecure Direct Object References
Insecure Direct Object References Insecure Direct Object References was a category first seen in the OWASP Top Ten 2007 list. It retained its position on the following two succeeding Top Ten lists released in 2010 and 2013. Insecure Direct Object References tend to be prevalent, are easily detected, can be easily exploited, and can have a moderate, if not severe, impact on ... READ MORE
Breakdown of HTTP Messages
HTTP is a stateless protocol used in the World Wide Web (WWW) to facilitate a client-server data transaction. HTTP/1.1 is currently the most widely accepted version of the protocol but the industry will begin to shift over to version 2.0 soon. Web sites and web applications are what the World Wide Web is made up of but there is a key difference between the two, which is that a ... READ MORE