A while ago I was working on an assessment where I was exposed to General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) servers. Having not been familiar with this particular technology, I started to read about the details of the protocol and it's implementation. One of the best resources I found was the presentation "Practical security research on 3G and 4G mobile telecommunications networks", ... READ MORE
King Phisher Release v1.13
With the version 1.13 release, we have added several goodies. First is a long requested feature! The ability to store MFA tokens submitted from a login page. Now you can grab username, password, and the MFA field . If you are using this feature as part of penetration test you will have to stay on top of the password submission field and use the data quickly as they often have a ... READ MORE
King Phisher Release 1.12
King Phisher version 1.12 is finally here. One improvement that we are most excited about is King Phisher now utilizes Pipenv to manage it's dependencies. This will greatly improve the stability of the platform moving forward as there won't be any dependency conflicts or bugs from upstream changes. After doing a git fetch and git pull to update King Phisher, you now runsudo ... READ MORE
King Phisher Release 1.10
Today we're proud to announce the next release of King Phisher, version 1.10. This release saw extensive changes under the hood to improve the long term experience. One of the notable changes that users will directly benefit from are multiple tweaks to the email messages sent by King Phisher resulting in lower scores when rated with the popular SpamAssassin engine. This means ... READ MORE
Termineter 1.0
Termineter Version 1: Come With Me If You Want To Pwn... Almost six years after its initial release, RSM has published version 1.0 (and shortly thereafter a couple of bug fixes) of its Open Source Smart Meter Penetration Testing Framework dubbed "Termineter". The framework has been an integral part of the Smart Meter assessment portion of the RSM AMI testing methodology and ... READ MORE
2017 FOSS Contributions
We here at RSM heavily rely on the Open Source tools that are available from the information security community. Like many penetration testing and research teams we rely on gems such as the Metasploit Framework, Responder, and Empire. We like to support to give back to the community and help others like us by contributing to these projects as well as by releasing and ... READ MORE
King Phisher Release 1.9
Today RSM is proud to announce the latest release of our open source Phishing tool King Phisher. This release brings many new features that we hope offer users a much more pleasant experience and facilitate tapping into some of the more customizable potential of King Phisher. The biggest upgrade with King Phisher version 1.9 is that the client's plugin manager got a huge ... READ MORE
King Phisher Release 1.8
The King Phisher version 1.8 has arrived with the following changes: Warn Python 2.7 users that this is the last release Python 2.7 will be supported The Windows MSI build is now in Python 3.4 King Phisher server now supports Red Hat Server 7 King Phisher client support for OS X by using Docker Support for issuing certificates with acme while the server is ... READ MORE
The Inner Workings Of Railgun
Recently, Railgun functionality was added to Metasploit’s Python Meterpreter. This blog describes details of the implementation and how it provides the functionality to make arbitrary calls to native API functions through Metasploit. This is a technical companion piece to the Metasploit Blog post outlining some of the new features to the Python Meterpreter and their ... READ MORE
King Phisher Release 1.7
Today we're proud to release the latest version of King Phisher, 1.7. Since the last release, we have added two major features and a couple of new plugins. For a complete list of changes, checkout the change log. The first new feature is something that has been requested for a little while now and that's the ability to send messages using separate To, CC, and BCC fields. This ... READ MORE