An Introduction to The War Room
Hello and thank you for taking the time to stop by. If you aren’t already familiar with us, we are the technical powerhouse at RSM: The War Room. The members of The War Room are focused on being the best at performing technical assessments including, offensive and defensive security, forensics and other incident response, as well as, researching and developing new techniques and tools.
The name “The War Room” comes from the physical location in which we work at RSM. It is a large room equipped with a massive half-oval table, projection system, designated infrastructure, and adult beverages. This space provides a secure arena for us to do our job while fostering collaboration and teamwork. We pride ourselves on taking a team-based approach to engagements, it is not uncommon to find us brainstorming together on technical problems or bouncing ideas off of each other.
The War Room logo is a play on the Army’s airborne insignia. Like others in the security industry, many of our team members come from a United States military background. When developing our logo we wanted something that would be instantly recognizable by those with similar backgrounds while remaining respectful. It is easily identifiable, and we all think it looks pretty awesome too.
Just as we encourage camaraderie, learning, and general mischief within our team, we hope to bring those same qualities to The War Room blog. We intend for this site to be a resource for security enthusiasts looking for exposure to interesting ideas, techniques, tools, topics, and anything else that may be outside of their wheelhouses. We sincerely hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy creating it. Thanks for allowing us to introduce ourselves. We hope you enjoy your time here, and we welcome questions, comments, and general feedback.
Welcome to The War Room!